Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 1, 2020

6 original ways to celebrate Valentines Day 2020

Valentines Day is approaching. Hum, how do I celebrate? It is not difficult if you and your partner will love this date. But it gets a bit complicated when both are anti-consumerist celebrations or not particularly romantic.

Well, nobody likes celebrations imposed by the calendar or commercial firms. ?. But why not dedicate a day to celebrate love Remember the love, when it shows and feels real, growing and expanding Keys to the conclusion pleasant one are two:

I know true to yourself. Do not feel compelled to celebrate Valentines Day in a certain way or letting out for the topics.

I know authentic. That's the best gift, infinitely better than the commercial gift or supposedly romantic detail that you do not really born to have.

Are we agreed? So, here are some suggestions for her smile of love to your partner on February 14:

• Says a English proverb that "actions speak louder, than words". That is, it is easy to talk but not much action. That day, make for him or her some task that you dislike or go with him to see his favorite team if you ever invited but never go. These gestures sound unromantic, but involve more effort on your part to buy a bottle of perfume online. Maybe it's the gift that's appreciated.

• Tell him you love him first. Orally or by writing a love letter . Or, why not both. And if you've already said many times, I repíteselo. Do not just tell him you love him, but also why.

• If you want to buy a gift and do not know how to hit, strive a little. Look at what things you normally like or do illusion, and which of them could buy without stress. For example, if she loves clothes but you have no idea, better let or buy her a voucher for a generous amount into your favorite boutique. But if you love to travel, you have it easier to surprise her with a trip. If in doubt, uses her close friends or sisters. They will be happy to advise you.

• Neither you dare decide on a practical gift (socks for him, towels for her), an appliance or something wrong with your taste. In particular, do not do if you are male. She will be furious, or worse: he likes to pretend not to hurt your feelings.

• Though she says she does not want anything that is not true. He wants to feel special and receive a gift without having to ask. She wants to be surprised not to have to tell her what you should give him. Valentine's Day is a good time to buy a gem. But, here too, let us advise or look great at what she likes. A signature bag is also a good choice.

• If you do not want to buy anything or can not afford it, give her your love in the form of massage (no matter if you can not make it as a professional), one breakfast in bed (prepared by you, not by a caterer), one night to listen or do what she wants in bed. In these cases, what matters is the detail.

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